The Holeproof series was another long-lived campaign concept built around a simple idea – “one day you’re gonna get caught with your pants down” – a slightly more contemporary version of what every mother tells their child (though normally accompanied by suggestions of being hit by a bus not what happens in these ads).

The campaign was successful for a few reasons – the message was simple, the music was strong & consistent and most of all the ads were funny situations most of us could relate to.

The most memorable of the campaign (for the girls anyway) from 1995

1992 football version

The Matt Parsmore version

2006 Wedding

They’ve changed strategy now which is unfortunate. Though I have to admit I wouldn’t have minded being part of the casting for their latest campaign….

From Canada

From Canada

Now doesn't this make you want to emigrate? And people wonder why I chose to move to somewhere at least 100kms from the nearest Pizza Hut,...

Ikea street graffiti campaign

  As a flow-on from the Milan design fair, Ikea set loose a team of street artists in Milan to stick B&W stenciled figures on subway ads...

Coca Cola Immersive brand experience

In celebration of Coca-Cola's 125th anniversary, they created an immersive "future room" concept at the Turkish modern art museaum Santralistanbul....