Hotel guests want internet more than a free mini bar?

hotelroomOur Hotel Room launched an interesting initiative. The site is baically an online or virtual hotel room which showcases the most useful technology & hospitality services – as voted by respondents to their survey.

As perhaps is predictable, internet connectivity (including free internet) was rated as the most important room feature (17%). The next most popular feature wa more responsive charging mechanisms with 13% wanting room charges linked directly to the services used rather than charging a flat rate.

The third most popular choice was personalised digital entertainment packages comprising of video, audio and guest services which guests could configure themselves (12%)

Other things people wanted were:

* Docking stations for mobile and MP3 players – 12%

* Full digital TV service – 11%

* Biometric security entry – 10%

* Heating and lighting control via mobile device – 10%

* Free mini-bar – 9%

* Video conference facility – 3%

* Access to recorded content at home – 3%