side4Frank Mayer & Associates recently launched an innovative new Shopper Information System called SlideBuy.

What this unit basically is, is an digital information screen which slides on shelves so it doesn’t displace product. It’s touchscreen, so it can contain any volume or type of information about products that you want – static or video. It also has a scanner built into the bottom so customers can scan the product they want information in – and via the menu system, select what information they want.

Its an incredibly flexible system. It can be any size you want, the colours, shape & look of it can be adjusted in pretty much any way you want. You can even use your own monitors and it works with existing shelving.

Sounds great, but what’s the value in something like this? Well, aside from the fact that shoppers are seeking more and more information not only on products but also what they can do with products, there are huge applications for something like this in international shopping areas.

slide3One of the classic issues when you’re dealing with a lot of different nationalities & languages in a single location, such as an airport or a tourism retail precinct, is dealing with different languages & potentially currencies. If you use static signage then at best you can deal with a couple of languages. If you use other digital signage options they take up valuable shelf space. This one doesn’t. The fact that it slides anywhere very easily (single handedly in fact) means that shoppers can move it anywhere in the row of products. They can then either select information via the touchscreen or even more simply just scan the product. It can then show them information about the product in any language you want to programme in and show the price in any currency you accept. It could even include a convenient currency conversion system. Indeed you can put any software you want on this system, or use the software from Frank Mayer.

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