13853755161Lets face it, drugstores & pharmacies normally look pretty average. Not so the new design for Conde Lumiares in Spain.

The old store design looked pretty typical, low suspended ceilings at a single height, conventional aisles etc.

After alteration the 2 metre ceilings became 5 but at multiple levels through the store. The idea of running with multiple ceiling heights was to give areas where the customer felt more protected (lower ceiling height) then using areas of high ceiling to encourage movement. Suspended cylinders (2, 3 & 4 meters long) interact with the central gondola to create not only a unique identity for the store but also to direct traffic flow & create the appropriate atmospherics for different products.


High contrast black & white have been used within the space with colour coming from the product itself. The space is entirely curved lines to encourage exploration and add to impulse purchasing.


The outside of the store features a single pieced, 5 metre high window, creating a totally different feel & function to this space from the moment you walk past it.



Architects: Mobil M
Location: Alicante, Spain
Architect in Charge and interior design project: Daniel Ferrer (YTRASD) for Mobil M
Graphic identity and furniture: Mobil M
Photographs: Pelut i Pelat

More Information : http://www.archdaily.com/