On Youtube this is listed as 1988 but it was actually 1983/4 and I don’t think it ran till 1988 because the jingle made a lot of people a tad uncomfortable – you have to remember the times.

Just after this campaign, Streets started to create the “ripple” range with Boysenberry etc.

The somewhat erotic imagery associated with Blue Ribbon carried over into the Heart commercials when an upmarket version of those was launched containing Blue Ribbon Ice Cream.  Not as erotic as that original ad though – I remember everyone in the boardroom going 16 shades of red when they heard it the first time 🙂

Aussie Bonds

Aussie Bonds

Its interesting to see this old campaign raised in the parliamentary reports looking at ways of funding the proposed NBN. This campaign dates back...



The whole "jiggler" idea actually started back in the late 70's with this ad. But it wasn't until the early 80's that we got the internally...

Slip, Slop, Slap.

Slip, Slop, Slap.

Skin Cancer prevention campaign from 1981 which really became part of the Australian venacular.  It used a mascot - the seagull called Sid.  The...