twitter1Ashton Kutcher, during his ground breaking victory over CNN to reach 1 million followers – why is twitter 140 characters anyway?

Good question, we’ve all just come to accept that’s what it is but why?

Its pretty logical really. Twitter was designed originally to be able to have updates sent to your mobile phone as txt/sms messages. These are limited to 160 characters and you need a bit spare for saying who the message is from. So 140 characters for the message, 15 characters for the username, 1 character for the @ – and who knows what the other 4 are for.

Air New Zealand

Air New Zealand

A beautiful campaign from the 90's which was just haunting in its music. The audio is of a classic Maori love song called "Pokarekare Ana" sung by...

Australian Made

Australian Made

Many people think of the "Australian Made" campaign as being something relatively new. In fact its not and goes back to the very early 80's and the...

Armpit advertising

Armpit advertising

I might like alternative media and applaud creative marketing concepts but I think this one goes a little too far perhaps. Right Guard developed a...



In the mid 80's the commercials got a lot more adventurous and few more so than Decore particularly as it was a family product. This one has to rate...