twitter1Ashton Kutcher, during his ground breaking victory over CNN to reach 1 million followers – why is twitter 140 characters anyway?

Good question, we’ve all just come to accept that’s what it is but why?

Its pretty logical really. Twitter was designed originally to be able to have updates sent to your mobile phone as txt/sms messages. These are limited to 160 characters and you need a bit spare for saying who the message is from. So 140 characters for the message, 15 characters for the username, 1 character for the @ – and who knows what the other 4 are for.

Carlton Draught

Carlton Draught

This campaign from 2004 created a bit of a fuss, particularly the canoe ad.  The Advertising Standards Bureau issued a complaint based on " “Because...

Antz Pantz

Antz Pantz

The original Antz Pantz campaign was created by Mara Marich & Sarah Barclay from The Campaign Palace. Iain Mackenzie was the director. In 2003...

Carefree Tampons

Carefree Tampons

The Feminine Hygiene product category was probably one of the hardest to work on in the 80's particularly as most of the product managers were men. ...

Army Reserve

Army Reserve

This was another campaign & jingle in the 80's which just got into your head and wouldn't leave. The campaign itself went on for around a...